Vol.2 Ginga
Sample Materials
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Contents of Volume 2 “GInga”
Unit 3: Reflection
Do you often reflect upon your learning? Do you keep a journal, evaluate your past successes and failures, observe how your peers may be learning, or share your learning experience with others? Activities like these will help you become a purposeful and self-directed learner and enable you to obtain maximum benefit from this textbook that features six project-based chapters. This unit consists of two chapters and they are designed with facilitating reflective thinking and activities in mind.
In Chapter1, you will write and deliver a “back-to-school” speech. During the course you will monitor your progress, be engaged in peer reading and practice, and have reflective session after your speech. In Chapter 2, you will design and conduct group review sessions on your prior studies of Japanese. Working in groups you will check if activities and exercises you have made will work well in your session and will make adjustments as you see fit.
By the end of the unit we hope reflection will become an integral part of your learning.
Chapter 1: Let’s Speak about Your Summer
At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
- draft and deliver a speech appropriate for the beginning of a new school year
- give instructions and lead simple review exercises
- describe the past state and contrast the past with the present
- describe actions that have taken place in the past
- give a compact description of one’s summer vacation
- express your wishes and desires
- make a speech note based on the draft
- have a cooperative session for speech practice
- use connectors and hesitation sounds effectively in your speech
- introduce and thank speakers as a host
- conduct a reflective evaluation of your speech
- recognize about 32 kanji and their basic compound
- read and write 24 kanji and their basic compound
You will also learn:
- how to organize a speech
- how to make the past tense of –desu and –masu
- basic instructional words and expressions
- how to ask someone how something was
- how to indicate what you want to do
- how to write your speech on a 400-character composition sheet
Chapter2: Let’s Teach Your Lesson Plan
At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
- plan and run student-led review sessions from start to finish
- choose a leader and select a topic for student-led review sessions
- check the progress of various tasks
- prepare several types of questions and exercises for the review sessions
- give instructions and lead language exercises
- prepare and conduct several types of warm-up exercises
- give directions for a simple physical workout
- greet the participants and introduce the topic in the review sessions
- deal with basic problems regarding class management
- conduct a questions and answers session as a wrap up
- conduct a purposeful evaluation of the review sessions
- make a list of things to do using the dictionary from of a verb
- tell someone not to do something
- recognize about 32 kanji and their basic compound
- read and write 24 kanji and their basic compound
You will also learn:
- about various types of questions and exercises
- basic instructional vocabulary
- about the dictionary form and the ない from of a verb
- how to make suggestions for consideration
- how to indicate an action in progress
- about the こそあど demonstrative words
Unit 4: Environment
The Japanese word for environment is 環境. The two kanji characters comprising this word, 環 and 境 represent “ring/circle” and “boundary/condition” respectively. 環境 is therefore etymologically similar to its English counterpart, as the word, environment, also represents a state of being surrounded or being “in the circle.” So the environment is everything that surrounds us and we interact with in our daily life. In the next two chapters you will turn your attention to two things that comprise your immediate surroundings: your town and your school.
In Chapter 3, you will learn how to construct paragraphs and write about your hometown including its weather. In Chapter 4, you will create a photo book introducing your school and featuring those facilities and buildings that have some particular significance to you. During the course you will learn how to develop logical and cohesive paragraphs and accumulate a good deal of useful words and expressions for describing your environment. This will prepare you to deal with some of more global issues and concerns relating to our environment in our later units.
You must be quite familiar with your hometown and your school. Let’s give another look at them at this time and think about how to showcase them effectively in Japanese.
Chapter 3: Let’s Write about Your Town
At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
- write a logical and coherent paragraph about a topic related to your town
- understand the basic structure of a paragraph
- describe basic features of your town by referring to its weather, public facilities and landscape among other things
- indicate existence of something or someone
- express levels of quantity and frequency using adverbs
- create and use plain-style sentences as a noun modifier
- make comparative statements and answer comparative questions
- count different types of objects by using appropriate counters
- build up substantial vocabulary that is useful in describing various aspects of a town
- learn or review vocabulary by playing bingo games
- look up a new word in the dictionary
- express English units of measurement in Japanese and convert between the English system and the metric system
- recognize about 32 kanji and their basic compound
- give numeric information including fraction
- read and write 24 kanji and their basic compound
You will also learn:
- about the basic structure of a paragraph
- two paragraph development tactics
- about Japanese positional words and counters
- useful expressions for various aspects of town
- about Japanese dictionaries
- about Japanese numerical progression and units of measurements (metric system)
Chapter 4: Let’s Present Your School
At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
- publishing a pamphlet
- make paragraph development for primary sources
- make paragraph development for main characteristic paragraph
- make sentence development using linking and phrases
- make sentence development using connectors
- make sentence development using language strategies
- get information through reading strategies
- conduct editing in order to publishing
- make a visual for their pamphlet with consideration of color and design
- understand the role of okurikana and apply it
You will also learn:
- express primary sources
- express main topic, support sentences and examples properly
- express sum up section
- how to publish pamphlet
- how to read text using reading strategies
- the role of visuals and how to construct one
- how to evaluate the visual
- how to develop sentences by using linking and connectors
- how to develop sentences by using language strategies
- how to develop sentences by using vocabulary building
- the role of colors
- kanji for verbs and adjectives and okurikana
- about aspiration in pronunciation