Characteristics of Kisetsu

  1. Includes many illustrations in FULL COLOR

    Kisetsu is visually attractive and motivates learners.

  2. Emphasizes teaching with project-based and content-based instruction

    Kisetsu presents projects and content with clear procedures and real results.

  3. Encourages students to become autonomous learners with appropriate scaffolding

    Learners can study by themselves following a step-by-step process.

  4. Corresponds with AP and IB Japanese

    Kisetsu is designed to meet the requirements of both AP and IB programs.

  5. Fosters students’ 21st Century Skills and 5Cs

    Since Kisetsu applies project-based and content-based instruction, it promotes critical thinking, problem solving, and collaboration skills for learners.

  6. Teaches vocabulary through a mapping base

    Learners can memorize vocabulary in a systematic manner with mapping.

  7. Introduces kanji and kanji vocabulary with illustrations and strategies

    Kisetsu gives learners various cognitive and productive strategies with illustrations and reading passages.

  8. Teaches students the skills they need to write and read by themselves

    Students learn structures of writing systems and reading strategies and how to manipulate them.

  9. Maximizes oral interaction in Japanese

    Kisetsu is designed for students to contribute to classroom activities in Japanese.

  10. Includes audio and visual materials on the website

    Kisetsu’s website provides a variety of useful audio and visual materials FOR FREE.

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